Friday, 11 May 2012

My first post!! :D

I've never really understood why people blog and never ever thought I'd have one, but here I am!!

I love shoes. All kinds of them - cheap, expensive and exorbitant. Flats, heeled and the ginormous. Footpath-iya, unbranded and branded. I have what is possibly the biggest collection of unworn shoes ever and constantly bombard friends with pictures of shoes I would like to have. And over time I have found that drooling over pictures of shoes and imagining how they would look on my pretty feet gives me a kick (no pun intended) like no other. Soooo the point of this blog, for now at least, is simply to share photos of pretty shoes (in the fervent hope that some generous, rich soul somewhere will see my blog, realise how much I love shoes and buy me that long coveted pair of Jimmy Choos!)


  1. I hope you find someone SUPER loaded to buy you these shoes ha ha !!

    But this blog is too tempting, really makes you want to buy some of these shoes! please be covering flats as well!

  2. Haha that is the hope, yes :P

    Yesss absolutely, next post!

  3. A shoe-perlative idea...!

  4. @ Shammi Akka - Thanks :)
    @ Mommmieeee - Mwwwahh!
